Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Last Exile

Claus Valca and Lavie Head are vanship pilots who work as sky couriers delivering messages and packages. This story takes place on a planet with technology that is both advanced and outdated. A vanship is a flying vehicle that flys with the aid of a specific and expensive mineral, an advanced flying vehicle by our standards yet the means of communication are that of couriers and signal lights. Claus and Lavie are children whos parents were vanship couriers that lost their lives during a 10 star mission. Sky courier missions are given a star count based on their difficulty level. One day Claus and Lavie are in the middle of a vanship race when they notice a fellow sky courier who is in need of help. They promise the pilot that they will complete his mission just before he dies, only to realize that they took on a 7 star mission. They complete their mission, which is to transport a young girl to a certain destination. As they are handing the girl over to the recipients, they notice that the people they are handing her over to are the crew of an unregistered battleship feared by the military of both major nations on the planet. Claus and Lavie decide to follow them and inadvertently get involved in what will become a greater adventure than either of them ever expected. I was a good fan of this series and think it is a good one for anybody to watch. They did just recently come out with a sort of sequel to this with different characters, however I could not get into it. It showed more of a cartoonistic style if animation and just seemed ridiculous to me. Whether or not those that might have seen the recent release of Last Exile or not liked it, I still believe many would prefer the original. Check it out, and if you don’t like it at most you might have wasted a few hours. Enjoy!

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