Monday, February 13, 2012


Blood+ is the story of a girl named Saya. She is raised by her adoptive family until one day her adoptive father is killed. He is killed by a creature known as a chiropteran.  The chiropterans are creatures with different class levels, those that are pure bloods are the female queens.  They can turn a normal person into a chiropteran by giving them their blood, these are known as a chevalier and will follow the one who turns them until their deaths. And then there are the schiffs which are an artificially created chiropteran.  Saya learns that she is a chiropteran queen and that only she can effectively fight against other chiropterans. She meets her chevalier who she created long ago, before losing her memories, and fights alongside him. Saya also ends up turning her adoptive brother into a chevalier in order to save his life, because the blood of a chiropteran has many attributes which includes accelerated healing.  She has one other adoptive brother who stands and makes it his place to fight by her side. She uses a katana with a blood grove meant to hold her own blood, because the blood of two different chiropteran queens cannot mix without disastrous effects. This is why she is the primary weapon on the side of Red Shield, a secret military force comprise specifically to battle chiropterans.  They do battle against Saya’s sister Diva and her group Cinque Fleches. Forgive me if I made any small mistakes or left anything pertinent out, but it has been a few years since I last watched this one. I enjoyed this anime very much at times and less as much at other times. To me it seemed to go up and down, but in the end it was one I stuck with and am glad I did. I would have regretted not following through with this one. I would recommend to those who like vampire, monster, action, science, drama, and sword fighting. Any hardcore fans (there are a lot out there for this anime) feel free to fill in some blanks, without spoilers please. Enjoy!

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