Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The silver eyed witches with yomi powers. Claymore is the name given to those who have been purposely infused with a yomi. Yomi are demons with a hunger for humans. This story is about a claymore by the name of Claire and a human boy named Rocky. Claire is a little different from the rest of the claymore, she is only 1/4th yomi. She was infused with the flesh of another claymore by the name of Teresa. Teresa was the former number one, but Claire is ranked number 47. The claymore are ranked by their abilities and are numbered 1-47. It becomes unclear later on that Claire does not necessarily deserve the worst ranking however. She is given it because she does not fight in the standard manner; instead of using primarily her eyes, she senses the yomi power of the other fighter. She is very adept at this because it was Teresa’s specialty. The problem is that she has trouble transitioning from defensive maneuvers while sensing to attacking. The biggest fear the claymores face is not the yomi they fight, but the risk of awakening. When a claymore uses too much of the yomi power they start to transform into yomi themselves. It is a difficulty for them because the power is so seductive and as a description I would use orgasmic. Each claymore is able to handle a different amount of power and once that threshold has been passed they become an awakened being. Awakened beings are severely more powerful than regular yomi and have the same hunger for flesh. A certain number of claymore realize that they might have already passed that threshold but pulled themselves back, including Claire. They learn that they can control the awakening and become even more powerful without losing control. I find the boy Rocky very annoying in this series, however I do greatly enjoy watching it. The ending was changed quite drastically from the manga making it nearly impossible for a second season, which was disappointing. But I think they handled it quite well, sort of… The animation is very decent, but aside from the main characters, the character development is almost non-existent. All in all, it was a good one to keep me entertained. If you’re trying to find something to keep you busy for a while, or like quick anime series, check it out. I prefer the manga with this one though, it could have been better and lasted at least another season. 

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